The club was founded in 2003 by Kat Heggan. In its first year the team had 2 horses and 4 playing members. Since then, the team has grown immensely. The team owes much of its success to Merle and Vera Jenkins, who have been major supporters of the club since the very beginning.
The Michigan Intercollegiate Polo Club is a non-profit University of Michigan student run organization open to all students to experience the exciting sport of polo. The club currently has 30 members and 9 lovable ponies. Riding experience is not necessary; our members teach both riding and polo. Practice is held five days a week and is very flexible; members choose which days to attend based on their schedule. ​With the new USPA-sponsored Regional Preliminary Tournament that began in 2012, the Women's Varsity competes primarily with schools in the Southeast region including Michigan State, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, and University of Wisconsin.
Go Blue!
Email: mipoloclub@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MIPoloClub
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mipoloclub/
Maize Pages: https://maizepages.umich.edu/organization/MIPoloClub
Michigan Intercollegiate Polo Club
1214 S University Ave Ste S104
Unit 4433
Ann Arbor, MI 48104